Research Paper Examples
Mediation Strategy For Resolving Issue On Child Custody
Introduction Justice delayed is justice denied is a famous quote by William E. Gladstone. The legal issue identified during the externship was that concerning child custody. Who is legally entitled by the law to have the child? Many litigants resorts in the legal process (court proceedings) to be able to acquire custody of the children but this has been quite...
From: Research Paper Examples on Law
Renewable Energy Source: Wave Energy
Abstract As the technology of human kind progresses the need for energy further increases, with it the search for renewable sources of energy had become the priority of various individuals and research institutes. Part of these renewable sources are the oceans and seas. One kind of energy that is produced by the oceans and seas is wave energy. Wave energy...
From: Research Paper Examples on Environment
Overview Of Wireless Networks Evolution
Introduction Recently, there is a substantial evolution of mobile usage and traffic , So the wireless network should design new architectures adopting the advances in cloud computing, Mobile wireless has evolved over the years from Zero Generation (0G), First Generation (1G), Second Generation (2G), Third Generation (3G), until Fourth Generation (4G LTE) technology are being deployed with the performance and...
From: Free Technology Paper Samples
Human Learning And Use Of Brain For Management Purposes
Learning is the most essential thing you like to do on short term or long term basis. Your brain, being your moderator, allows you to take, manage, and edit your decisions, actions, and emotions. It all began the exact time you were born. You will understand thatf your brain has certain receptors, acceptors which processes the things you hear and...
From: Paper Samples on Education
Cognitive Computing In E-Commerce
Abstract Cognitive Computing deals with simulation of human thought processing and analyzing it. Through analysis, Algorithms are generated by system in order to gain self learning capabilities. We can use cognitive computing in various platforms like Artificial Intelligence, cyber security, E-commerce, Image processing. In this paper usage of cognitive computing in E-Commerce is discussed. Introduction To Cognitive Computing Cognitive Computing...
From: Collection of Business Paper Samples
Socrates Definition of Justice in Platos Republic
Justice is essential for peace and harmony in the society. Everyone in this world wants equal and fair treatment. Whether it is on the streets, in courts, or in work places, justice is necessary in everyone’s daily life. But what really is justice? In Plato’s Republic, Socrates and his counterparts each have their own definition of justice and fail to...
From: Free Philosophy Paper Samples
A Solution To Inequality And Poverty: Effects Of Innovation And Government Policy On Global Economy
Gunter & Van der Hoeven (2004) state that there is a general agreement that in the case of economic growth, the advantages thereof mainly depend on the sharing of the income generated by it. Furthermore, they say there is “some general agreement today that growth and equity need not be contradictory goals. Most economists also agree that there is no...
From: Research Paper Examples on Economics
International Migration, Inclusion And Exclusion
I would like to emphasize the importance of the integrative approaches, including forced migration studies, migrant network analysis and the migration development nexus. Because these approaches would help our understanding of international migration. Firstly, I will start with forced migration studies. I think this study is more suitable for the story. Because most of the problems that he faced is...
From: Social Issues Paper Examples Collection
Work Place Harassment: Types, Concequenses And Solutions
Abstract Work place harassment that is getting ‘harass’ or ‘bully ‘in the work place by one of the co-worker or employee or third party or sometimes even by the employers. It is a serious problem which is increasing rapidly in the industry. It does not easily come in the lime light because of the people’s powers and their approach and...
From: Social Issues Paper Examples Collection
Main Causes And The Beginning Of The Great Depression
Numerous individuals reveal to you that the Great Depression began with the share trading system crash in October 1929, however, a) that isn't valid, and b) it drives individuals to botch relationship with cause. What we consider like the Great Depression did start after the share trading system crash however not as a result of it. Like as we saw...