Research Paper Examples
Christopher Columbus′ Voyage to the Americas
Back in 1492, Christopher Columbus voyaged across the America. He entered America through the Atlantic Ocean from Spain. He made a number of four trips in the years 1492, 1493, 1498, and 1502. His main objective was to discover a direct route that would connect Asia and Europe via the ocean. We should note that Columbus never discovered such a...
From: Paper Examples on History
APA Format Outlining About the Purposes of Education
ABSTRACT Behind every school and every teacher is a set of related beliefs a “philosophy of education” that influences what and how students are taught. Generally, schooling is very essential to human life since school is seen as an institution that works with youth to improve society or help students realize their individuality. Progressivism, social Reconstructionist, and existentialism place the...
From: Paper Samples on Education
The Underground Railroad
Section One Colson Whitehead book is a fiction which represents the things that were happening in real life. Most of the sections of the sections of the book reflect on examples of how slaves suffered at the hands of fellow black men. The case of Ridgway’s in section three shows how some black men benefited from selling other black men...
From: Paper Examples on History
Critically Analyse the Security Impact of China’s Artificial Islands
The Security Impact of China’s Artificial Islands in the South China Sea Introduction China constructed artificial islands from 2013 December to October 2015 that occupies three thousand acres on seven coral reefs. China is used to building artificial islands and reclamation as well as dredging lands, but the islands in the South China Sea are of great concern because of...
From: Research Paper Examples on World
Gender and Genocide
Introduction Human engage in conflicts which are usually resolved by dialogue or otherwise escalate to unprecedented war levels. Prolonged wars and conflicts have negative effects on the people involved directly or indirectly (Bock, 2008). The mass killings and persecution of vulnerable persons constitutes to genocide. The 1948 Geneva convention after the second world war described genocide as mass killing of...
From: Free Sociology Paper Samples
The USA Patriot Act
Abstract Arising from the September 11 attacks on the world trade center and the 2001 anthrax attacks, the USA congress felt there were significant loopholes as far as the national security was concerned and thus rushed to pass various legislations so as to strengthen the united states national security. The US patriot act was therefore passed which allowed for the...
From: Research Paper Examples on Law
Felon Disenfranchisement
There is nothing more important in the world than democratically elected leader. This is because the leader enjoys the mandate of the majority of the citizens in the respective jurisdiction. The right to vote is thus very fundamental to the citizen. In the instance when a citizen is convicted of a felony then this right is taken away, and he/she...
From: Paper Examples on Government
Commentary on ‘The Hands of the Blacks’ by Luis Bernardo Honwana
For many centuries, theories have been propounded about the true nature of the black race. How did they come about? Are they human like other races? If so, why are they so different? Although evidences have proven over and over again that the black race is not different from any other race, aside from a few physical attributes that is,...
From: Social Issues Paper Examples Collection
Cross-Cultural Communications: The Difference in Nonverbal Behaviors between Spaniards and Americans
Abstract Communication entails non-verbal cues in addition to exchange of words (Verbal). The main purpose of communication is to pass information from one person to another. However, people experience different barriers such as language and poor understanding of gestures. In this paper, the communication across different cultures will be studied. The cultures of interests are Spaniards and Americans. The common...
From: Free Sociology Paper Samples
Effects of Music Therapy on the Social Skills of Autistic Children
Abstract The research involves the study of whether music therapy is an effective in improving social skills in autistic children. The research has introduction section, method section, result section and discussion section. I used different data collecting instruments like questionnaires, interviewing, observation, sampling, randomized control study, secondary data sources, parent child music therapy and proforma registration. On all results obtained...