Opening a MacDonald’s in India

In the current century of globalization, people around the globe are able to share different kinds of foods from different parts of the world all thanks to the global business in foods and beverages companies and hotels. Now, consumer foods service is the leading driver of global growth in economy and now the fast foods industry is able to reach new consumers all over the world continually because of the available menus and choices of foods.

MacDonald’s is the leading fast food chain both in India and in other parts of the world. It is important to keep in mind that china has a long established history full of unique cultural practices and believes and that is why MacDonald’s has o conduct training programs for its employees before starting its business in India. In the essay, we are going to discuss the various issues that need to be addressed before the company lays its business strategies in India.

Cross culture, training encompasses the ability to communicate and interact with people from different cultural backgrounds and be able to work together as a team. Training for people and especially managers working abroad involves training them on new languages, environment, and cultural beliefs of the people they are going to meet in these foreign countries. Cross-culture training for marketers abroad is easily implemented through corporations with lower companies. Intercultural training involves getting a significant global marketing strategy of communication and that is what MacDonald’s is thriving to achieve in India.

MacDonald’s is just an American company specializing in fast foods and has hotels all over the world. The company is said to be egocentric and very keen on interpersonal relationships with all its customers. The management and sale force staff require proper training on how to ease their negative perception and gain favorable treatment in other countries starting from their local stakeholders (Sherman, 2010). Note that MacDonald’s has over one hundred thousand chain supply dealing with fat foods in different countries worldwide. If the working force is not well trained on how to communicate with customers in their new location then the company will not have a significant sale in that area because communication is very crucial in business (Sample, 2013).

Different consumers have different behaviors, believe depending on their different cultural backgrounds and people will only respect, and appreciate marketing strategies that respect their cultural heritage and do not go against any of them. Therefore, communication is an important aspect in business communities and especially cross-cultural communication. It is very important for a business like MacDonald’s to build good relations and communication strategies with its customers in India. Although MacDonald’s engage a good consumer relationship business, it is important that it targets on a cross-cultural communication strategy that will be applied in its business. This will be very helpful in establishing a more favorable relationship with all its stakeholders as well as the local governments. Because of the distinctive differences that exist between collective and individual cultural aspects, the advertising messages need to be designed and presented in a way that respects the culture and believes of the country in question.

In general, cultural adaptations is simply the process of adjusting to new culture and the native ways and behavior for one to fit in the new local culture, for one to adapt to a different culture it is quite a challenge not forgetting that one is forced to follow ne systems and rules found in that new culture. The adaptation process requires a person with open minds and that is why MacDonald’s has to adapt to the Indian culture if it needs to settle its hotels there. Currently, MacDonald’s is the world’s most famous fast foods hotels with numerous increases in GDP, considering the massive consumption of fast foods in India, there is a strong consumption power in the markets today and that means more profits.

When an organization or individual first enters a new market, with new cultures and norms it is expected that the cross culture communication will help the employees and the managers create a stress free environment for their customers and stakeholders. However before they fully adapt to these new changes they have trouble here and there and it is the difficulties that make them remain with their own characteristics although others choose to become part of new environment and face all the challenges associated with their new environment.

For the past four decades, the need to adapt a standardized global market had been adopted by many companies wanting to increase their businesses. Standardization to some extent will help businesses adapt new marketing strategies considering that there are new technological innovations occurring daily around the globe. Consumers around the world have become converse and this relationship allows marketers to pursue their targets in the business. With more than five thousand ethnic groups in India, the country has a diverse population with every region and sub region having a distinct food tradition and preferences (Sherman, 2010).

Indian consumers are very keen in maintaining their distinct foods and especially their traditional foods. Some regional fast foods lack customers although others with good quality foods have popular customers. Most Indians are fond of eating home-cooked foods and they have a pride in eating their traditional native foods. According to them home cooked foods are healthy and fresh and less expensive compared to fast foods. MacDonald’s needs to introduce a menu that respects the Indian believe and cultures.

The efforts for MacDonald have to make a change in the Indian perception on fast foods. MacDonald’s also needs to be aware of the deep Indian suspicion about foreign countries so that they can seek ways to change that believe. Cultural factors are known to long affect the end influence the communication as well as the potential for competition and business growth. They act as an invisible barrier especially in international markets ad hinder any form of expansion into new markets. Getting a clear understanding of cultural differences for different nations is the only way to keep MacDonald’s stable in other countries (Dai, 2014).

Gathering enough knowledge on different cultures shapes how a firm or company will conduct its cross-cultural activities in the world market. Understanding the culture of the Indian people is one way for the company to develop and gain competitive advantages over their competitors in the same country. Communication and understanding the language barriers that may hinder communication is one of the important functions that one needs to master for any kind of business and especially for companies like MacDonald who are set to stage their business internationally. Company managers working in international marketing sometimes ignore the invisible barriers that may be caused by differences in business communication. Cultures play an important role in business and especially hotel businesses. If a hotel is not aware of the cultural practices of the designated and target customers then it cannot be able to provide the required services and in the end may bring about problems between the consumer and producer (Bolten, 2009).

Globalization in the world economies has enabled business owners to make important business decisions regarding their business; they are able to understand how to venture to different cultures and fit into their rules and believe.

Failure to have a good communication strategy among cultures leads to business failure and downfall. Marketers are expected to deliver information gathered from the consumers and from the information gathered; the marketers are able to know what to sell and what not to sell. MacDonald’s needs to have a protocol that will enable its workers interact with consumers to be able to know what the customers want. The MacDonald’s quality standards strictly adhere to the Indian government regulations regarding foods and health measures. This development involves introduction of art food processing technology, which is enabling the Indian business to expand and venture into the international markets.

Corporate responsibility is the major value for MacDonald’s. The company is deep-seated with the Indian traditions, which is the key to their business in India. They have come to understand that the success and expansion of their business depends entirely on their customers and that is why they are keen to make them happy. They ensure that they give quality foods and services to all their customers in the region without any discrimination; MacDonald’s is determined to make a change in the food and beverage industry in India and all over the world (Nicoleta 2014).

With its origin dated back to the United States of America MacDonald’s has a long way to go to be able to convince the Indians of the new business strategy in their country. What MacDonald’s need to do is to realize their culture back from its roots so that it can relate it with the Indian culture. Before adapting a new culture, a business should be aware of their current culture and relate it with the new one. Most western cultures do not relate with the Indian cultures and so MacDonald’s employees have a big task ahead of them in trying to adapt the Indian culture and language too. First, they may be required to undertake a training program for a short to get a briefing of what is expected of them and to be made aware of the possible challenges ahead of them. Americans like living a life full of fun and most of the foods they consume are mostly junks, which are not the case in India (Ainsworth, 2013).

Indians are very keen on their diet and they observe what they take and what not to take. Most of the foods provided by MacDonald’s may not be famous among the Indians and that is why it is important to get a nutritionist who can guide the employees on what to cook and what not to cook. Indians in the first place are largely populated and majority of the populations live in poverty, introducing fast foods to them that are expensive may seem like an awkward thing and it is therefore important for the company to look for the best location to start up its business.

Learning their native language can be beneficial because employees will be able to comfortably communicate with their customers and give the services required without and difficulties. The best thing with business is that with communication everything falls into its rightful place. Poor communication skills may lead to misinterpretation of a message or order and therefore cause confusion between the customers. Communication also enhances good marketing strategies (Akhtambaev, 2014).

MacDonald’s can only strive in India by altering its menu so that it can satisfy the Indian culture and taste. This strategy is the only way to keep the Indian people glued to the hotels because most Indians are vegetarians and that is why they prefer to eat I local restaurants rather than the fast food joints. Indians are very ignorant of foreign culture and they always abide to their own believes, adapting the western culture for them is outrageous.

To prevent culture crashes between the business and the people MacDonald’s should adopt the cultural practices of the Indian people so that they can be able to cope with competition. The management sector should be aware of all the rising issues in the business and may pose a threat to the business in the near future. They should also look at the possibilities of the business failing from all the differences between the consumer and the service provider (Qayyum, 2012).

McDonald’s has become so globally significant especially in the provision of fast foods, that the corporation is under sharp criticism as being a global entity. Obesity and its associated health risks have become major concerns universally, and McDonald’s products are often at the center of such discussions because it specializes mostly on fast foods that are considered by many unhealthy. In regards to McDonald’s expansion into India, there are still people who are not in acceptance of the idea because they are afraid of the effects the restaurant’s food would have on the people’s diets and health.

There is strong evidence that any society that has shifted its eating habits towards fast food restaurants has faced problems although not all countries are experiencing these problems. In an attempt to promote McDonald’s in China, the company’s management must emphasize on the nutritional value of its food by means of the strict scientific methods used to cook it. The recipes for McDonald’s foods are designed to meet modern scientific specifications and thus differ from the recipes for Chinese foods, most of which are based on cultural expectation. Both Indian media and the Indian public have accepted the fact that food from McDonald’s is healthy, not only because it is “scientifically designed,” but also because its ingredients include “the main nutritional elements a human being needs daily: water, starch, protein, sugar, vitamins, and fat”.

While obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are increasing in China, and evidence suggests lifestyle changes and education could reduce these risks, Indian culture sees excessive body fat as a symbol of health and prosperity, and thus the Chinese people have no will to change. We cannot therefore put a blame on the fast foods for all the health problems experienced in china and that is why it is important for the government to make things clear to the people about the measures and regulations it has put in place to protect its people from any form of harm.


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