What is World Literature
Beyond the skills involved in intimating oneself with world literature, the beauty lies in the enlightening exposure and daunting experience. According to Scott Fitzgerald—this is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. In this guide, you are going learn all you need...
From: Literary Movements
Themes of Beowulf
CONTENTS Loyalty Beowulf celebrates a warrior culture. For this reason, loyalty is of paramount importance. One of the central points, which demonstrates this, is the conflict between Beowulf and Unferth. Beowulf is from another place and another tribe. His allegiance to Hrothgar is through a family debt, yet he proves himself more loyal to Hrothgar than Unferth who is one...
From: Literature Guides
Key Facts about The Outsiders
CONTENTS Title: The Outsiders. Author: S.E. Hinton. Genre: Coming of age, struggle between socio-economic classes. Time written: Tulsa, 1960. Point of View: First-person narrative by Ponybo. Major conflict: The clash between the lower-class greasers and the upper-class Socs (or Socials), Ponyboy’s own struggle to grow and mature. Rising action: Johnny murders a Soc, He and Ponyboy go into hiding, The...
From: Literature Guides
A Poison Tree
The original thinker William Blake in his poem "The Poison Tree" talks about how devastating and ruinous the bottled up anger can be. The speaker’s pent up anger grew and became a fruit-bearing full-fledged tree. This poem follows the structure of a nursery rhyme, though it delivers a message that is true for everyone. A Poison Tree BY WILLIAM BLAKE...
From: Poem Examples
The Awakening Summary
Summary The story begins as Edna Pontellier, her husband Léonce and their children are vacationing at one of the Lebrun’s Grand Isle cottages. Edna’s husband spends most of his time away for business and when he isn’t working he prefers the company of his friends at nearby hotel called Klein’s. Edna as a result spends most of her time with...
From: Literature Guides
Murder on the Orient Express Quotations and Analysis
“All around us are people, of all classes, of all nationalities, of all ages.” A seemingly innocuous observation on the part of Bouc in Chapter 3, this statement to Poirot foreshadows what is to come, and Poirot is shrewd enough to notice this. In an international train station, all the nationalities and types of people converge. The only other place...
From: Literature Guides
Study Guide for Wuthering Heights
Introduction Wuthering Heights is Emily Brontë’s only novel. Brontë wrote the gothic yet tragic novel in 1847 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell and received a great deal of criticism for the violent nature of the character of Heathcliff that she created. Wuthering Heights is still known today as one of the most tragic romantic, gothic novels in literary history. It’s popularity...
From: Literature Guides
A Study Guide of Night by Elie Wiesel
CONTENTS General Introduction Making note of his fear of foreign journalists and their questions, Francois Mauriac tells of his chance meeting with a reporter from Tel Aviv, who is later revealed to be Elie Wiesel, the author of Night. As the two begin to converse, Mauriac’s apprehensions are dispelled by the unjudgmental nature of the interview. The men spoke about...
From: Literature Guides
Thy Days are Done by Lord Byron
Lord Byron's "Thy Days Are Done" was published in 1815. The war was around him in Greece during this time period. It is heavily influenced by the themes of honor and death. Lord Byron spends most of the poem discussing the achievements of a valiant soldier and how he will never be forgotten. Thy Days are Done BY LORD BYRON...
From: Poem Examples
Heart of Darkness Quotes and Analysis
The word ivory rang in the air, was whispered, was sighed. You would think they were praying to it. A taint of imbecile rapacity blew through it all, like a whiff from some corpse. By Jove! I’ve never seen anything so unreal in my life. And outside, the silent wilderness surrounding this cleared speck on the earth struck me as...
From: Literature Guides
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