The Pearl Summary
Summary The novel begins with a prologue that brings forward a novel narrated in a form of a folk tale told by the towns people, a relatable parable of all good and all evil. As the story begins we are introduced to the peaceful and serine life of Kino, Juana and their son Coyotito. As they go about their morning routine...
From: Literature Guides
Study Guide for The Pearl by John Steinbeck
Introduction John Steinbeck published The Pearl in 1947 as his 11th novel. The American writer’s best asset is that he writes only after experiencing his subject matter firsthand. The novel is a parable inspired by a Mexican folk tale of a young Indian pearl diver that Steinbeck had heard on his trip to Mexico. Steinbeck increases the depth of the folk tale to bring forward...
From: Literature Guides
Frankenstein Literature Study Guide
CONTENTS Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (30 August 1797 – 1 February 1851), was a British writer, editor and biographer, the author of the famous classical Gothic novel Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus (1818), and the wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, a well-known Romantic poet. Her most recognized book Frankenstein has always been seen as controversial and has stirred...
From: Literature Guides
Themes of White Noise
CONTENTS Fear of Death The novel portrays characters who are unusually preoccupied with the fear of death. Yet, the threat of death pervades the novel. White Noise plays with the unreality of death even in the face of real death. A feature of postmodernism is the inability to completely grasp the reality of life since life is completely over-run with...
From: Literature Guides
To My Wife – With a Copy of My Poems by Oscar Wilde
More famously known for his plays and philosophical novels, Oscar Wilde created a masterpiece in the form of “To My Wife” where he illustrated his profound belief of art and the fact that it should exist for its own sake, in a beautifully illustrated piece where he spoke about his beloved. To My Wife - With a Copy of My...
From: Poem Examples
A Study Guide of A Doll’s House by Henrick Ibsen
Introduction The play, originally published on December 4, 1879, Henrick Ibsen’s A Doll’s House was first performed seventeen days later on December 21 in Copenhagen. Ibsen’s work was well regarded, and the play sold out of all 8,000 of it’s first run prints in record time. A Doll’s House spurned so much controversy that the playwright was forced to pen an alternate...
From: Literature Guides
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
CONTENTS Summary of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest The part Native American narrator of the novel, Chief Bromden, has been a patient living in one of Oregon’s psychiatric facilities for nearly a decade. From the opening paragraph on it is evident that he is a paranoid man, one suffering from delusions and seeing things. The Chief’s outlook on the...
From: Literature Guides
Happiness by Raymond Carver
Through the words of "Happiness", Raymond Carver urges his readers to appreciate the simple things in life that possess the power of making us the happiest. The poem revolves around the lives of two delivery boys who have achieved what people who look down on them could not: happiness. Happiness BY RAYMOND CARVER So early it's still almost dark out....
From: Poem Examples
The Awakening Characters and Analysis
Characters Edna Pontellier The young wife and mother who loses herself to the pressures of societal conventions. Edna is treated as a mere object by her husband and expected to sacrifice herself for the sake of her children. She decides to rebel against the conventions that bind her and begins her path to self-discovery. However, the patriarchal society is too...
From: Literature Guides
The Sun Also Rises Characters and Analysis
CONTENTS Characters and Analysis Jake Barnes Jake is a veteran of World War I. The protagonist working as a journalist in Paris. He and his friends live a life of drinking and parties. Jake is more stable than most of his friends. His weakness is his love for Lady Brett Ashley that is complicated by his own impotence and the general...
From: Literature Guides
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