Wuthering Heights Summary
Summary The novel begins with Mr. Lockwood, a man who goes to Wuthering Heights in search of solitude. During his stay, Lockwood is treated badly by Heathcliff, Hareton and Cathy who are the inhabitants of the house. One night he discovers Catherine Earnshaw’s diary and upon reading it he gets an idea of how Hindly abused and mistreated Heathcliff, and...
From: Literature Guides
Deconstructionism and Postmodernism
What is Deconstruction and Postmodernism Postmodernism refers to a set of strategic, rhetorical and critical practices which as various concepts which include the simulacrum, trace, repetition, hyper-reality and the difference that destabilizes other notions. The concepts that are destabilized include identity, epistemic certainty, historical progress, presence and univocity of the meaning. In 1979, postmodernism was entered into the philosophical lexicon....
From: Literary Movements
Things Fall Apart Characters and Analysis
Characters and Analysis Okonkwo A clan leader, he has lived with the shame and embarrassment of his lazy and drunken father. Through his own hard work and valor in war he has earned a sound reputation among his people. However, because he is terrified of appearing weak, he overcompensates by being harsh and unyielding. This causes him trouble with his...
From: Literature Guides
Virgil’s Aeneid
CONTENTS Summary Virgil’s poetic masterpiece, The Aeneid, tells of the plight of Aeneas and a group of Trojans as they sail across the Mediterranean Sea in search of Rome. Their homeland, the city of Troy, has been destroyed by the Greeks. As the group near closer to their destination, they are thrown off course by a ferocious storm and end...
From: Literature Guides
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas’s ‘Do Not Go Gently into That Good Night’ is a son’s plea to his ill father as he lay on his deathbed, fighting the inevitable. The son, nevertheless, motivates his father to hold on to a reason to live instead of giving ‘into that good night’. Do not go gentle into that good night BY DYLAN THOMAS Do...
From: Poem Examples
Major Themes of The Prince
CONTENTS Important Themes Statesmanship and War Machiavelli firmly believes that the soundness of the state is derived from a powerful military. He is not an advocate of democracy. The ruler derives his authority and power entirely from his ability to conquer and destroy all enemies—even potential enemies. He sums this up when he says that “the presence of sound military...
From: Literature Guides
Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio by James Wright
A Pulitzer-winning American poet James Wright had an unhappy childhood and "Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry, Ohio" gives us an insight into the lives of the blue-collar workers there. As the speaker in his own poem, he gives us the visuals of the creeping alienation and the destruction of dreams that became a ritual there for generations. Autumn Begins in...
From: Poem Examples
Nelle Harper Lee Biography
CONTENTS Nelle Harper Lee (April 28, 1926 – February 19, 2016) was an American writer famous for her novel To Kill a Mockingbird, which was published in 1960. The book won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize immediately, becoming a classical book and a bestseller, and was soon adapted into a film in 1962. Being one of only two books by Harper...
From: Literature Guides
The Grapes of Wrath Guide
CONTENTS Written by John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath is set in the Depression-era Oklahoma Dust Bowl and follows the story of Tom Joad and his family as they embark on a journey to California to find work, a new home and a more promising future. Regarded as the masterpiece of Steinbeck’s literary collection, and possibly one of the best...
From: Literature Guides
To Kill a Mockingbird Quotes – Explanation and Analysis
CONTENTS The Personality of Boo Radley in Quotes The image of Boo Radley can at first seem strange and even disturbing, according to the overall tone of the story. The mysterious man - or even creature - who never leaves the Radleys” house is an embodiment of all the childish horrors about the haunted houses and their inhabitants. Famous Atticus...
From: Literature Guides
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