Human Learning And Use Of Brain For Management Purposes

Learning is the most essential thing you like to do on short term or long term basis. Your brain, being your moderator, allows you to take, manage, and edit your decisions, actions, and emotions. It all began the exact time you were born. You will understand thatf your brain has certain receptors, acceptors which processes the things you hear and see for the proper functioning. There are also limitations of learning, which can stop or affect your memory from being processed further. Memory is like an aid where you store what you learn. Contents also describe concepts of training, leadership, and effective system of management. An organisation gives a lot load onto the entrepreneur or the worker, and this report is all about managing and allowing your brain to control your actions based upon the work you do.

Functioning of the Brain

Neural pathways

As soon as you take birth, your brain already contain a billion cells, or we can call them neurons. These neurons don’t exceed over these hundred billion capacity, but they keep on replacing with the old one’s (Neurogenesis). A neuron can never achieve by its individuality, they always need to pair up to prepare for a command. Inside every neuron, there is one axon and one dendrite; axon stores and forwards the message, and the dendrite catches it in the other neuron. This way, a chain is formed and a message is prepared to be delivered, when this group of neurons, reaches your prefrontal cortex, the organ allows you to action your message. This way, a neural network is established, and this establishment is called neuroplasticity (TORBEYNS, T. 2017). Neural networks develop for every single object or living organism you encounter. Alike a computer, neurons also work by codings. Plasticity and adaptability are such factors that gives an understanding/ perception to trust on things and people.


When it comes to memory, we tend to understand that our brain really can be a computer if we treat it carefully and upload only the files they don’t have a virus. Brain has a number of regions where it stores the memory. Learning is not possible if you are not able to memorise things. Basically, while paying attention on something that is really required for you to achieve something important, we try to transfer the short term memory into long term memory. These are the two sections of memory inside our brains, and long term memory has numerous pathways after short term memory is processed into long term term. It’s a three-section procedure of encoding, stockpiling and recovery where approaching information is short term or processed memory and will be rapidly lost if not merged. Encoding a memory is basic, whereas, with what success you’ll store it in future, is important for proper management of things. Inability to learn might be an element of deficiencies in this procedure of memory processing. There is one deficiency, which is pretty obvious, i. e, as muscles are based on the fact ‘use or lose’, same are the brain cells (Blokland, A. 2004). Tho, continuity in the flow of neural paths keep the cells active and healthy, but once there is lack of activation, these connections get weak. We generally experience these changes while we age (Scheepens,A. 2004).

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Concepts and conditions of learning

Elements of learning

Current approaches recognise that the classification of mind and body is unnatural and, instead,. during this context, learning at this level of knowledge should be supported by the tributary to its uptake. It has been recognised that, via help of undersigned approaches, the classifications of mind and body are not so natural, thus, the environmental, physiological and emotional conditions should contribute to learning at this level, where everything is seen as whole. The Brain does not only reads the information in hand, but it tries to analyse every context it’s representing. Therefore, the elements of learning are Physical, cognitive, and emotional; and help us move forward and manage things. For mental and physical growth of a human, there is a keen need of nutrition, and dehydration of the body often blocks the brain from learning. Another physical factor is sleep, where you consolidate your learning activities, as your brain is resting instead of learning something new. In a study conducted by brain research bulletin, a group of people ( Ferrara, M. , Iaria, G. , De Gennaro, L. , Guariglia, C. , 2006) discovered that the people doing unfamiliar activities, instead of the people who slept, had a huge error in procedural memory, this suggested that the PF cortex ( Part of the brain performing executive functioning), is very sensitive to our sleep. Then comes the Cognitive learning, which deals with something like a barter system in terms of old and new memories. As we grow, we try to learn every single environmental factor revolving around us, these include family, career, and extracurricular activities. Each of these exercises vie for our accessible intellectual limit, so close to home inspiration and responsibility are signs of powerful grown-up learning. This is the reason self-coordinated learning is a main guideline of grown-up learning (Illeris, K. 2009). Feelings are fundamental to considering and learning.

Amygdala, a little almond-like structure of our inward cerebrum, evokes a passionate reaction segment of our conduct. Amygdala actuation whilst encoding another memory upgrades its ensuing retrieval. The implication for this is that passionate prompts connected to the learning content, produces a profound and more extravagant neural path than a certain-based substance alone. Cognitive learning has many fundamentals, and emotions is one of them, emotions go where our attention goes (For example, You will lease your company to a family member, if you are having symptoms of death, as it would be fundamentally and emotionally right. ) Barriers/Limitations to learningIt’s a biological evidence that learning and stress cant mix. Therefore, stress is response to subject or amount of work you do overall calculated per day or per week. But just like love, stress may vary from individual to individual based upon how they manage stress. A weak person having stress or a person who’s not certain will generally feel paralysed with frets, on the other hand, a strong person will handle stress efficiently, and tend to focus on the sighed opportunity. Stress is something when after a certain point, you feel that the task given to you is beyond your capability, and then anxiety occurs. Your brain stops giving you commands, and so you try to stop thinking. Stress is a preparation for ‘fight/flight/freeze’. Our brains advanced this reaction for survival, so when stood up to with a perilous circumstance, our bodies would, in a split second, divert our vitality and assets from capacities, for example, assimilation, cell repair and considering, or assembling our appendages. (Sapolsky, R. M. 2004) In order to learn, we must be able to focus, attend things positively, let prefrontal cognition come forward, motivate our own selves or through having role models such as teachers/coaches/mentors, and manage communication mathematically: Quality and quantity.

On the contrary, not following these learning patterns may result in weakening of neural networks, not so sufficient concentration, lack in interests, embedded value, failure of dopamine mechanism (reinforce and pass information within the brain), exclusion from your desired team and many others (Sapolsky, R. M. 2004), although, these are just minor barriers. The most unhealthy barriers for your mind and even your body are, Alcohol and Drugs. Drugs are of many forms, but the one’s which affect you in an overwhelming way are psychoactive drugs like cannabis, ice, and methamphetamine. It’s pretty obvious, that your brain is very complex in structure, according to NIDA (National institute of drug abuse), drugs disturb the function of how neurons send and receive messages. The concoction structure of medications like heroin and cannabis mirrors the structure of a synapse and tricks the receptors into giving the medication a chance to actuate the neuron, however they don’t enact it similarly regular synapses do; rather, irregular messages get sent through the neuron systems. Different medications, similar to cocaine and meth, cause the arrival of unusually a lot of a synapse. Now and again, they keep the mind from reusing the synapse. This causes an interruption in the cerebrum correspondence convention.

Individual adult learning

In today’s world, the adults intend to involve in activities they’ve learnt, or the activities which they’re talented in! With the help of interactive technology, managing programmes, business alignment trainings, and using innovative content, various organisations allow people with talent to come up with ideas, and benefit the organisation & the society. These talented people are either seen as managers, leaders, or entrepreneurs themselves. According to Pageup people’s learning and development guide, Effective learning in adults uses four criteria : Attention, generation, spacing and emotion. Attention and emotion -Everyday, we encounter with information in massive amounts, but we have trained our minds to focus on the things, which are either necessary or important to us on a daily basis. Attention is known for the things which we focus on. Relative to this is where people have different perceptions of seeing things (Coren, 1980). Everyone pays attention, but not necessarily in the same direction as you, this way we seek people who are looking the same way as us, and not the ones who pay attention to something else. Concentration is a key factor in this category.

Mostly the people who work, or the entrepreneurs, try to increase concentration by taking time intervals or breaks to avoid overthinking, and so, they rest or get themselves out by shifting their attention on something else, but there should be no distractions indeed. A main attribute to attention is multitasking, where you tend to do multiple things at the same time, tho the performance for each task is compromised. Multitasking is used only when there’s a limitation of time. (Example: When a top level manager has to work, motivate employees, and manage family at the same time.) Thus, we can conclude that in order to achieve powerful learning, there should be individual matter concentration! Generation -Adult learning is directly proportional to generation shift, as the childhood learning being done around them is totally uncensored and childish, tho the adults feel a mature responsibility to educate them and motivate themselves on their own (Illeris, K. 2009). Methods of self learning are best suited for adults to work in an organisation and move forward with learning new, that is the reason why self generating strategies and ideas are critical in adult learning. With the emphasis on pertinence, grown-ups learn best by taking an issue focused, as opposed to a subject-focused, approach.

This incorporates characterizing and dissecting the issue, testing the adults’ reasoning, deciding ways to deal with its goals and empowering group banter. In respect to digital medicated learning, the demand for distance programs is going up, as national economies are are creating a competitive platform for long life learners in order to get success in their workplace (Lenoue, Marvin. 2011). Spacing- In adult learning, it is very necessary that you have specific time gaps, so that you can think more and stress less. Various organisations ask its managers to work for long hours ranging between, 8-9 hours of work with just a short lunch break, organisations should understand that an adult cannot learn if you against the limitations of its physical capacity. An example of how spacing should be: ‘You need to prepare a speech for a speech at 6 p. m. In order to be confident enough, you will come to the office at 10: 30 in the morning, prepare all afternoon with interactive and engaging ways, discuss and implement with colleagues, and give yourself motivation.’ You are ready for your presentation before hand, and you are better off like this rather than a preparing for new content consistently. Projects that amaze sessions over back to back or even irregular days take into consideration the advantages of memory solidification amid rest to enhance results.

Failure, motivation and Workplace learning

Learning is not what people today think it is, we think that sharpening a book will help us learn, But according to an Harvard psychologist (Shahar, T. B. 2010), trial and error always strengthens the workplace learning and improves the personality more better. And observing and implying shahar’s psychology into reality really makes sense! Afterall, while we’re infants, we could just bear to understand the basics of life, and we make a thousand mistakes on our path to life. This fear of failure should only be in examinations and not in real life, because it may result in disruption of your creativity; the more we fail, the more better we can create and procrastinate. Imperative inquiries are that what kind of culture is most helpful for successful preparing and advancement and how such a culture can be built up in the association.

For enhanced workplace learning, factors like Training culture, develop organisational leadership, develop learning organization and develop an effective performance oriented system should be accounted. The test currently is to build up a market-driven preparing society without losing unwavering quality, and giving fastidious tender care, supported by sound moral standards, which stay basic to processed and managed success. The preparing society demonstrates to representatives what practices are adequate and what kinds of conduct are most certainly not. Therefore, setting up a culture that is strong to the fulfillment of perfection in an association guarantees enhanced workplace learning. (Johnston & McClelland 1994, p. 30).

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