40 Media and Communications Research Paper Topics

Media is sometimes called the other branch of power that has the equal possibility to influence the events in the world. Studying media can be really interesting and fascinating, though the science of media changes every time when the new media source is introduced. Newspapers turned to radio, then to TV, TV to Internet blogs that soon, in their turn, surrendered to Facebook. Media is the ocean that is never calm and the skill to surf this ocean is the essential skill for every media worker.

To make really great research papers you should stick to the ethic of media worker too. At first you should not relate to one source only. Media is the area when you should double- and triple-check any facts you get, because the sources that present this fact may distort them to benefit themselves. Use legitimate sources, they can be the other scientific researches or independent analytic companies. Do not believe what media tell about themselves.

Another thing to take into consideration is time when the information was released. In the sphere of media everything gets outdated really fast. So, if you need the latest data, make sure that no one refreshed it from the time the material you look at was published. Of course it doesn’t matter if you write about the history of media, but to understand the modern state of it, use the latest information you can get.

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The last tip is to always study the opposite point of view. You may not agree with it, but still getting the full picture is the great way to see the drawbacks of your subject and maybe come with the way to get rid of them. The opponents just want to discredit you sometimes, but often they have a point, at least in some aspects.

Check out the sample topics we wrote for you, maybe, they will give you some ideas about yours?

NOTE: By clicking on the topics below you have an opportunity to get a custom written paper. This service is provided by our writing partner GradesFixer.

    1. What is communication? The birth of the media as we know it
    2. Media, Censorship and Propaganda
    3. The freedom of speech and its impact on the media
    4. The main aspects of communication
    5. The triggering topics. What do you need to start an instant “holywar” in media?
    6. The phenomenon of hype and its usage of the media
    7. Single bloggers versus media companies
    8. Communication and media psychology
    9. The history of advertising and its important in the modern business
    10. The popular culture in the media
    11. Video games. Can they be considered a media now?
    12. Violence and controversial topics. Shall the media censor it out?
    13. The peculiarities of children media
    14. Are the videoblogs the new diaries?
    15. Mainstream media versus arthouse
    16. What is the age of post-truth in the media?
    17. Social networks as the main way of communication in the modern world
    18. Why exclusive material is so important in the media?
    19. Fandom and fanfiction in the media
    20. Mass Communication Laws in different countries
    21. Media and disasters: enhancing panic or preventing it?
    22. Terrorism in the media
    23. Changes in the media during the wartime
    24. Journalism ethics: what is it?
    25. International journalism
    26. Journalists on the battlefield
    27. Media policy and regulation in different countries
    28. How did the Internet influence media development?
    29. Media: reacting to the events or creating them?
    30. Virtual reality: may it be the future of the media?
    31. Media downshifting: why do people revert to newspapers again?
    32. Social media marketing campaigns
    33. Media, politics and public relations
    34. The styles and types of media. How they differ depending on the audience they are aiming for?
    35. The phenomenon of Disney. Media or the new mythology?
    36. Scientific journalism: shall science be popular?
    37. Media for educational purpose
    38. Radio media: why radio is still popular?
    39. Hidden messages in the media made for entertainment
    40. Media images of the representatives of different countries
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